City of Perris Farm to School

The Farm to School design toolbox for the City of Perris Farm to School program (PF2S) is intended to aid in growing the opportunities for school farms and gardens. PF2S is meant to provide health equity within schools and cafeterias for all students. Each school site will have its own unique challenges and opportunities. In order to best address the diversity of sites within the City of Perris, a toolbox of possibilities has been created so each school can determine what will work best for them.

The City of Perris has been working to improve health equity and outcomes through a combination of urban farming and nutrition education. The Grow Perris initiative proudly includes a variety of school and community gardens which provide examples for future programs.

There is always something to learn and room to grow. This garden design toolbox is meant to help local schools do just that and become a bigger part of Grow Perris.

Studio Nectary collaboated wtih colleague Alli Wilson while in contract with Farmer D.


City of Perris
Val Verde Unified School District
Perris Union High School District
Grow Perris
Prem Durairaj
Farmer D